Thursday, March 15, 2007

People Are Just Sick

I got this story sent to me about a girl who's missing dog was returned to her... but only part of him. There is enough heartache when a pet goes missing, but to have such cruelty extended to the ones in grief... I just cannot even fathom.
Two weeks ago, a gift-wrapped box was left at the house Crystal shares with her grandmother. The box had batteries on top, and a note that said "Congratulations Crystal. This side up. Batteries included."

Crystal opened the box and found her dog's head inside. The box also contained Valentine's Day candy.

Who in the world thinks of this as a joke? What would drive someone to do something like this? I've been studying animal cruelty and interpersonal violence for the last eight weeks in school. I could not even begin to think what a psych evaluation for a person like this would look. This poor 17 year old spent her time posting flyers, going door to door, and even riding the bus to other shelters trying desparately to find her "best friend."

I know that teenage years are full of angst and that people can be cruel to one another (four years in an all-girls Catholic high school showed me that), but I could not possibly imagine this young girl inflicting any injury upon someone to deserve such actions in retaliation.

The story says homicide investigators were looking into the case because of the "implied" terroristic threat. May Lord have mercy on the person that gets caught; I don't think anyone else will.

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