Wednesday, March 28, 2007

People are Just Sick: An Update

According to, a suspect has been arrested in the case involving a beloved pet's head being delivered gift wrapped to a young girl in Minnesota. CNN reports that a 24-year-old male was arrested, and it is suspected he had a romantic interest in the girl. Call me old fashioned, but flowers and candy always worked fine for me, though brownies and ice cream work even better. I just still cannot fathom how someone who had a romantic interest would see this as a part of courtship. I know that boys in their younger days were known to torment girls they liked through pinching, pulling hair, etc. At age 24, shouldn't you have a grasp on how to express your feelings to another person?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so agree! But where we have to start is when our children are young. We must teach them they have to inhabit this world with animals and to respect them. Teaching a child about animal to human relationships can be a wonderful experience.
Afterwards, we must make sure our goverment makes stiff laws that judges enforce againest animal cruelty. When we begin to show that this type of behavior will not be tolerated, perhaps these types of crimes will lessen.
So its two parts - humane education, beginning with children. And Laws againest animal abuse- tough laws.
I enjoy your blogs and through your type written words I can tell your heart belongs only to the animal kingdom! Keep on blogging!