Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Respect My Sanity, Please

There is a reason we have a voicemail service for the rescue. Yet, people, whom I've yet to uncover, think it is perfectly fine to give out my cell phone number to people I don't know. And it's never Ed McMahon who wants to give me a million dollars.

My day started this morning at 4:30 am as I had to do my media appearance with WJCL. Add to the fact that I despise cold weather and I wasn't exactly a ray of sunshine. I normally have a rule that I don't answer my cell phone from phone numbers I don't recognize simply because they are usually calls that are going to want me to solve a problem without any regard to my personal life. Sure enough, I got one as I was leaving home at 8:30 am.

Phone vibrates. Phone number looks familiar. I answer it. "Hello?"

"Hi this is [name withheld to protect the inconsiderate]."

Silence. Note to self: be better about sticking to the rules.

On the other end, the voice perks up, almost smiling. "I hear you like huskies?"


"I'm pregant and I have these two huskies..." She was saying a bit more but all I heard was "I need you to take care of my dogs because I didn't have the forethought to pick breeds that would be easier to manage when I wanted to start a human family but they were so cute as puppies I just didn't care."

"We're full right now," I said, as dry as possible.

"But I'm pregnant."

"We're not taking any more dogs in until mid-February," I said.

Smile gone, rudeness sets in, "You're kiding me!" I could tell she was incredibly inconvenience. I mean really, people just can't have a baby and a dog, that's just preposterous.

"Nope," now just out cold, and irritated, and I was trying to get to work.

"Well, will you give me the number to someone who will?"

"You can look up other rescues online or try the humane society."

"Fine," and then click.

Yes, this is how people are to me. I'm supposed to solve every problem for every person if it involves a pet. Now don't get me wrong, I'm happy to take the phone calls from concerned individuals about dogs being left tethered or kittens living under a house. But if you know me personally, have some respect for my sanity and call me first and ask my permission to give out my number. Otherwise, if I find out who you are, I may give yours to every telemarketing agency I can find.

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