Monday, April 9, 2007

Pet Insurance: To Buy or Not To Buy

My friend Telli caught me online as I was getting ready for my fabulous TV interview this morning and told me that the TODAY show was going to have a segment on pet insurance. Unfortunately, it took too long to come on, and I had Mickey on leash and out the door as it was starting. I told her that we give a pet insurance policy as part of the adoption process, though it now costs $1. She didn't realize that, which means I didn't explain it to her when she adopted from us late last year, oops.

Anyhow, before I go sounding like a paid infomercial, let me say that I carry insurance on my beloved dog, DaVinci. Like our adopters, I got his policy as a gift with his adoption, and decided to continue it. It costs me a bit over $200 each year, which I pay out of my tax refund. I like to think I provide adequate care for my pets, but since I live paycheck to paycheck, there's no way I could afford for something major to happen to my Vinnie bear. Given his natural lack of grace, it makes me feel better to know that I can provide him care when he needs it.

Now, how do you choose the insurance policy that's right for you? The choice was made for me. ShelterCare by PetHealth Inc. has been providing us with insurance policies for our adopted pets for several years. I've had the opportunity to meet their director in person, as well as several of their staff. So, I feel confident using them for my personal pet. They also made a major announcement a few weeks back that their policy would cover expenses relating to care needed from the pet food contamination.

There are many options to choose from. Your best bet would be to do a Google search and get information from several sources. But my point remains: pets are a part of your family. You have insurance for you and/or your family members, so why not your beloved pet?

1 comment:

AspiringMBA said...

I don't believe this should be a question. People don't hym and haw over having health insurance on their human kids, why should they with their furry friends?

I have pet insurance on all 4 of my kids. And it's been a life saver many times. How about the time that I just knew Wundt had a tummy ache so I could take him in without worrying about the cost? Or the time Ito had bladder stones and needed emergency surgery? Or how about 2 days after getting Lexi set up on a plan her blood work came back heartworm positive? There was no question as what to do....fix them! Make them better! I had a friend who's cat was diagnosed 2 months after Ito was with the same thing - she put her cat down because she couldn't afford the surgery. I am appalled at this. You wouldn't chose to do this to your human kids - why would you your furry kids? Are they that dispensable to you? If they are - shame on you!!!