Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Mouth I Don't Have to Feed

It is amazing to me the hearts my volunteers have. They are the people who have come to know me in a way any person off the street would never imagine. Some of them have seen me through rough times, others have been there to share in our glory. So imagine my surprise today when Joan and her hubby Mike showed up with a special treat just for me.

Working at animal control, it was not uncommon to have someone come to the gate with a box, usually with kittens or puppies inside. So my surprise when Joan and Mike visited me at the nail salon (I haven't been since last May and looked rather awful) turned from excitement to grave concern when I saw Joan holding a white box. My first question to her: "Is it alive?" (Nothing surprises me anymore, really.) All she would say is, "just open it." So I did, very cautiously, and errupted into laughter and relief when it turned out to be a little Siberian Husky... stuffed animal. Joan and Mike had been by Build-a-Bear earlier and built me Artic, a gray Husky with beautiful blue eyes. He even barks at me when I hold his paw. Artic came complete with a birth certificate, and a "Stuffed with Love by Joan & Mike" line. I can't begin to say how touched I am. I've been a little sad since baby Tyler was adopted last week, so it's fun to be holding Artic in my lap while worked tonight. And best of all, he's not on medicine, he won't wake me up to go out at 5 am, and he doesn't have to be fed any special food!

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