Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hurricane Season is in Full Swing... Are You Prepared?

It seems like we just got through wondering about Fay, now we have Hanna, Ike and Josephine out in the Atlantic. It doesn't look like we'll have a boring September, to say the least.

Chatham Emergency Management Agency has started issuing releases regarding Hurricane Hanna and her impact on coastal Georgia. At this time, CEMA is in Operating Condition (OPCON) 4, the Monitoring Phase as defined by the Georgia Emergency Management Agency. OPCON 4 is the first stage in advanced readiness. What this means to the rest of us is to start taking inventory of our hurricane storm plans. Some actions you can take:

  • Monitor local media for updates
  • Make sure your gas tank is full
  • Secure important documents in a water-proof container and have in one place
  • Take photos and videos of your home, possessions, and anything else you might need for insurance purposes
  • Check that you have plenty of water and non-perishable food
  • Check and replenish first aid supplies
  • Make sure you have immediate access to flashlights and battery-powered radio and extra batteries
  • Secure outdoor lawn furniture and loose objects
  • Have cash on hand to use if power is out

I spent most of yesterday making arrangements to move pets from our rescue further inland. I can't tell you how difficult that was to try and get boarding set up. One kennel said no, another told us they would call us Wednesday afternoon if they hadn't already booked everything else. As a rescue reliant upon foster homes, I don't have the luxury of waiting until an hour or two before a storm hits to make decisions. I have to account for our pets so our foster parents can take care of their own families.

Presently, I am anticipating riding out the storm unless given an order to leave. I have my gas tank filled, extra cash on hand, checked my first aid supplies, bought extra bags of dog food and gallons of water yesterday, stocked up on non-perishable food for myself, and bought extra batteries for my flashlights. I even went and purchased an American Red Cross AM/FM/Weather radio that also has a cell phone charger to make things a little easier when power goes out. Now all that's left for me to do is to teach at least one of the dogs to play cards so we have something to do.

In all honesty, we too often take for granted a storm is going to miss us. With hurricanes, their paths are a best guess by meterologists and their computers, and always just that: a guess. Mother Nature has been known to throw curve balls from time to time (remember the St. Patrick's blackout?), so it is better to prepare now than fall victim to her whims later.

For information on how you can prepare, visit our hurricane and evacuation information site, CoastalStorms.com.

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