Saturday, August 30, 2008

No Type A on Tybee

I've been accused many a time of being type A+ personality. A couple years ago, my friend Karen that has a rescue across the river called me the "posterchild for Obsessive-Compulsive Over-Achievers of America." She's probably right; I do put a lot on myself to always do better and be better. But a lot of that slid by this summer.

Back in June, I started going to work for my parents at the marina on the weekends, something I hadn't done in many years. I had forgotten how much I loved being on the water and what a difference it makes for making me relax. I had the joy of meeting some new friends this summer that helped me remember how blessed I have been to have a life on the water. I took to late night fishing out in the Atlantic, sitting on the dock watching the tide change, and tonight, even a sunset parasail ride.

But as Labor Day draws my summer to a close, I have to say goodbye to these great new friends of mine. It is something I got accustomed to growing up on Tybee; people float in for the season and haul out at the end. It's still never easy, and you always feel a twinge of sadness at their leaving. But you remember the fun you had and hug your goodbyes, always extending the invitation to return another time.

For me, I wonder if this will be the end of my weekly reprieves. True, working seven days a week has been tiring, but I feel less tired at the end of my marina work days than I do during the week. Perhaps it is because I know that deep down, I belong there, that this life I created to change the world doesn't have to be the only life I know anymore. I guess time will tell. For now, I'll enjoy the final celebration of summer with fireworks, good friends and family, and look forward to not having to have a plan for everything everyday.

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