Friday, September 12, 2008

Gas... Who Isn't Ticked?

Last night, I had two phone calls from people in SC urging me to fuel up. I needed to run to Wally world for posterboard anyhow, so I stopped and got gas. I think it was $3.53. I couldn't be glad enough that I did.

When I finally left the house this evening, it was $3.89 with cars five and six deep. I drove into town, passing the first Enmark by Savannah Mall... I couldn't believe it: $4.39. What in the world? What was even worse was as I got closer to my destination and found the El Cheapo on Montgomery Crossroad at $4.69. I think their sign should be shot down.

It's been hard enough on me making ends meet month to month. I even work a part-time job on the weekends to make up for the lack in my regular paycheck. But now, I'm actually losing money trying to go to work (let's remember that I do NOT get paid for doing the rescue; it is all volunteer). I had already been doing well with conserving my driving this summer to just what is necessary, no longer taking joy rides down to Barnes and Noble for a book and frappucino.

We are participating in a big event tomorrow, GreenFest, and now I worry the attendance will be low due to people trying to stay home. I can't say I blame them, but when we have been struggling so much for donations this year, and adoptions have dwindled incredibly since spring, what kind of hope does that leave us to keep helping those in our programs? Just how many more hits can we keep taking?

But while I'm on the subject, I need to give a big thank you to a young lady who donated two hours of her cleaning service to help me out yesterday. Sarah Wright of The Right Touch Cleaning Service answered one of my prayers last week. I spent most all day in bed yesterday, covered by pillows, with a bad migraine. Sarah came and cleaned up after the dogs for me, something I had not had the time to do in the last two weeks. It was so nice to walk in the house tonight and smell cleanliness as opposed to dirty, wet dog. So, while we may be struggling, it is nice that others can take time out to help us in ways that mean so much. So thank you, Sarah, for being so giving.

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