Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

So yesterday was my 29th birthday. I made it 29 years without killing someone, that probably far exceeded some of the expectations of my friends from high school. Lord knows I have plenty of those thoughts working in the rescue as ignorant people abound in this world.

So today, one of my co-workers decided to blog about me. How cool is that? She called me impressive, and it was a pick me up I needed. But then I saw something on her page about "what type of flower are you?" I took the quiz, expecting to either be lucky bamboo that can live without much (except I managed to kill the stuff a few years back because I kept forgetting to give it water) or a cactus as I consider myself pretty low maintenance. Nope, according to the quiz, I am an Echinacea:

You are a health conscious person, both your health and the health of others. You know all about the health benefits and dangers of the world around you.

Um, wait, healt conscious? How in the world did that happen? Anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty much the anti-thesis of that. I hate vegetables and exercise, love chocolate, steaks and pizza. True, I care about the health of my friends, family and pets, but really, I don't even bother with Tylenol. Oh well. Maybe these online quizzes aren't as accurate as they seem. Guess you can't always believe everything you read online. Darn.

So anyhow, back to how I spent my birthday... In typical Lisa fashion, I was up at 3 am due to the beckoning of a puppy about to release her bladder, then back up at 4 am to feed said puppy plus five and get dressed to be on TV until 9 am. After TV, headed in to the office to work for few hours, already feeling like my day was half over. From there it was off to meet mom for birthday lunch at my favorite place, The New South Cafe. (I highly recommend the pecan fried chicken and pecan pie.) Good friends Bunny and Scott stopped in to say hi and wish me well. I thanked Mom and headed over to animal control to check out a new puppy. Like I really had to. I grabbed the marker, put our name on it, jumped in my car and ran home. By 3 pm it was about 84 degrees, and I couldn't resist taking to sunning in my backyard for the first time. And to think, 29 years ago on that day it was snowing. I love living in Savannah.

After my sunny nap, I headed inside to feed the pack and clean myself up for my birthday party. Some of the gals from the rescue were having a CPR Anniversary/Lisa's Birthday/Mardi Gras party. As always, it was good food and good fun. We watched American Idol and laughed at the kid from Savannah who thought he'd teach Simon a thing or two. The things teens will do for attention. By 11 pm, everyone was headed home, and I figured I might do that as well since I had to work the next morning. By 1 am I was finally in bed and ready to crash.

So what have I learned in my 29 years? That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger, Jesus forgives but I may not forget, and I will always be the baby in my family. Oh, and the dogs will always love me as long as I give them food, a good scratch behind the ears, and get up at 3 am to let them go potty.


Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great birthday!
I took the quiz: You Are a Snapdragon
"Mischief is your middle name, but your first is friend. You are quite the prankster that loves to make other people laugh."

Betsy Yates said...

Happy Birthday, fellow Aquarian!
Enjoy the weirdness. Every day.