Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Feeling Indifferent on Election Day

I'll be honest, I thought about skipping out on voting. I was so completely turned off by all the political ads, the bs "he said, she said" back and forth, and the fact that no choice seems to match anything close to the values and lifestyle I lead. I can't help but feel that I'm not alone, that many others out there also feel indifferent about voting. I no longer see candidates who actually represent their constituents. McCain has how many houses and I have to work how many jobs to pay for my one? Obama wants to give more to people who don't make as much but then I might get to keep less of what I've earned for myself. I want someone in office who lives similarly to me, paycheck to paycheck, that really understands my situation and will work to make things better. But instead, we've made our elections process something in which only people who are fiscally well-off can participate. I don't want to see ads about how this candidate or that understands where I come from. I don't remember reading about McCain working with his family since he was a child helping to make ends meet and learning that Santa can't grant every wish at Christmas or that you can't just go to the mall and get whatever you want when you want. And how many winters did Obama spend without heat or hot water? Give me a candidate that has done the best and made something positive of themselves with what little they were given and then I'll give a darn enough to vote.

And that's just national elections. The local ones aren't much better. People running for office have been unresponsive to my requests for help for a very long time, and one candidate, whom I've known since 8th grade, still cannot remember my name anytime he sees me in public even though he's presented me with two national awards in my life. However, when I'm out with my parents, who are big campaign contributors each election, I at least get greeted with a smile and a handshake.

I guess it's a good thing that I have a mom who still cares about and believes in the system. Between her nagging and the offers from Krispy Kreme and Ben and Jerry's, I'm actually going to make it to the polls today.

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