Monday, March 8, 2010

New Hampshire Man Steals Money and Rental Van from Rescue

People in rescue work so hard to save the lives of so many, and often with very little resources. So when I opened my inbox this morning to find that a man had stolen nearly $1000 in the promises of rescuing death row dogs in Georgia, I was furious. I'm re-posting the information in the hopes this gets around the Internet and this guy gets caught.

This man is currently missing. He picked up a rental van filled with crates on Thursday evening and left on a transport run on Friday morning around 6am. The canine rescue gave him a $500 prepaid credit card in order to cover gas and he also received a new brand name cell phone charger (car) and a GPS system (no tracking just a regular GPS device) for the van. After a stop in Media PA at another volunteer's home, he received another several hundred dollars because he threatened to walk away from the transport (headed to GA to save 20+ puppies from euthanasia) and the volunteer was desperate to keep the transport going. He stopped in Virgina to rent at a Red Roof Inn, paid for by the rescue, on Friday evening. He was supposed to be in GA for 6:30pm last night but he never showed and as of 4pm Saturday afternoon, his phone has been shut off. The rescue cannot locate him and it appears that he has disappeared with all of their donations dedicated to this transport, their crates, and a rental van. The puppies (including 6 infant yellow lab puppies) are out of time and will probably lose their lives because of this heartless evil man. Please, take a look at this picture below, photocopied the day he left with the van. Please, if you have any information, email us ASAP.
Thank you for all your help, and God Bless.

This was originally posted on a Craigslist site, so the only email address I have is a CL one ( Someone was at least smart enough to get a copy of his drivers license, so here's the photo and info as well.

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